What Does Cycling Do for Your Body? (5+ Cycling Gains & Risks)

What does cycling do for your body

Cycling is addictive, but most of us cycle for fun or commuting reasons. But is that the only reason you should cycle? What does cycling do for your body? Interestingly, cycling has numerous effects on the body. It tones the muscles, burns calories, improves coordination and posture, strengthens the core and legs, and improves stamina … Read more

Today, Do You Need a License for A Dirt Bike? (Answered!)

do you need a license for a dirt bike

Dirt bike riding is fun. However, the big question is, do you need a license for a dirt bike? You don’t need a license when riding your dirt bike in trails, parks, private property, or motocross tracks. However, you need a dirt bike license when riding on public roads.  But before you can have a … Read more

How Fast Do Dirt Bikes Go? (Dirt Bike Speed Shared!)

How Fast Can a Dirt Bike Go

Dirt bikes are mainly designed to ride on unpaved terrains and rough surfaces. While you expect them to be pretty fast off-road, how fast do dirt bikes go? Most dirt bikes can hit 50-60 mph, and some with a higher engine displacement can rock 100mph or slightly higher. Nonetheless, we’ve some decent electric options that … Read more

Nowadays, Can You Get a DUI On a Bicycle? (Explained!)

Is It Illegal to Ride a Bike While Drunk

Operating a vehicle while intoxicated, either by drugs or alcohol, is illegal, and you could face serious fines and court summoning. While that mainly pertains to motor vehicles, can you get a DUI on a bicycle? Let’s start by clearly stating that riding a bike while under the influence is not safe. Nonetheless, getting a … Read more